Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Leeds Against the Cuts Public Meeting and March against Lansley Bill to privatise NHS.

Building the Resistance...HOW CAN WE STOP THE CUTS

Public Meeting
Called by Leeds Against the Cuts and Local Government Unison
Tuesday 24th May - 7 pm-  Leeds Civic Hall

The government wants to cut back and privatise our NHS, tear up pay & pension agreements and make us pay for a crisis caused by the bankers.  Now campaigns against ConDem health proposals are springing up across the country, and on 30th June hundreds of thousands of workers will be out on strike across the country.

Come here speakers from local campaigns and trade unions, including those unions who are planning strike action on June 30th.  How can we organise to kill the health bill and build solidarity across the Leeds area with this first day of coordinated strike action against the cuts.


Saturday 28th May 11am
Starting from the Beckett Wing, St. James' Hospital

Not for Sale - Keep Our NHS Public

Leeds Keep Our NHS Public campaign has called a demonstration on Saturday 28th, in order to highing the peril facing our NHS. We will meet at St. James' Hospital at 11am, and march from there to the Leeds General Infirmary.

All are welcome. Please bring banners, placards, friends, family and colleagues!

If you would like to get involved in Keep Our NHS Public Leeds and help organise to stop the Lansley health bill, to break apart and turn the NHS Into a free market, come along to the next meetings: every Thursday, 7 pm 

Wendy Savage, NHS campaigner will be speaking in Leeds on June 5th to get beneath the spin and explain what Lansley's bill means.

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Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Anti-Cuts Update

Civil Service and teaching unions are gearing up for a strike on 30th June over jobs, pay and pensions and the pressure is building on Andrew Lansley and his vision of a future without an NHS. There's loads happening locally to build a movement to save the NHS and stop the cuts altogether so please check out the events and reports below:
Keep Our NHS Public - Protest Sat 14th May
Meet at 12pm at Millenium Square for a mass leafletting of Leeds and possibly a march through the city
March to Keep our NHS Public - Sat 28th May - a march from hopital to hospital
The next big thing in the fight against privatisation of healthcare as staff, patients and students march from St James Hopital to Leeds General Infirmary. More details to follow soon..
Leeds Against Cuts organising meeting - Thurs 12th May 5:30pm @ the TUC Centre on North St
Come along to find out what's happening across Leeds and help to organise the upcoming Anti-Cuts rally.
Headingley & Hyde Park Against Cuts - Mon 9th May 7:30pm @ the HEART centre in Headingley
Find out about how the cuts are hitting Headingley and Hyde Park, including council plans to close Burley train station and about the local schools planning to become academies, and organise alongside other activists to stop the cuts.
Armley & Bramley Against Cuts - Thurs 12th May 5:30pm @ the library ay the One Stop centre on Armley Town Street
Find out more about the victory in stopping the cuts to Bramley swimming baths and the continuing campaign to save Stocks Hill day centre and organise against the cuts.
Keep our NHS Public - Thurs 12th May 7pm @ The Packhorse on Woodhouse Lane
Help organise the local demonstrations to save the NHS and discuss the next steps in the campaign.
Record numbers at Leeds May Day demonstration - Leeds March for the Alternative - includes video footage :-)
Royal Armouries museum cuts staff
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