Save our PooL And Sports Hall!
Campaigning to re-open SOUTH LEEDS SPORTS CENTRE

SPLASH are holding their own
through Holbeck & Beeston on
Sunday 1st April between 12 noon & 1pm.
The Route starts at Domestic Street Bridge along Domestic Street, turn left at St Mathews Community Centre then crosses Holbeck Moor through the underpass to thesports centre then up to Beeston Hill and left onto Tempest Road, turning left onto Dewsbury Road, down to the old Library and left onto Hunslet Hall Road and back to the SLSC around 1pm
If you can support us, either by running or walking either a section or all of the route, if you would like to carry the torch for a short distance or if you can display posters and flags in support outside your home or shop along the route, please join us.
You can also support us by buying a SPLASH! T-shirt to wear on the day, for more information contact

Steve on 07900324479