Sunday, 18 November 2012

Tell the West Yorkshire Fire Service you oppose cuts before 30 November 2012

The West Yorkshire Fire Service consultation on cuts to our first service ends on 30 November 2012.

You can read the official consultation document HERE:

and you can read the view of the Fire Brigades Union on the proposed cuts HERE:

You can also see some extremely good arguments against the proposed cuts at:

Please let the West Yorkshire Fire Service know your views by either sending a letter to:

Hannah Stoneman
Consultation Coordinator
West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters
Oakroyd Hall, Bradford Road, Birkenshaw
West Yorkshire
BD11 2DY

or e-mailing:

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Stop the cuts to your West Yorkshire Fire Service

The West Yorkshire Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has called for a mass march and rally to protest against the cuts to Fire Stations and staff in West Yorkshire.

On Saturday 03 November 2012 The March will start at 12:30 outside the Art Gallery on the Headrow in Leeds and march around the city centre followed by a Rally with speakers including Matt Wrack the general secretary of the FBU.

Please attend to show your opposition to the decimation of your fire service.