Friday, 15 April 2011

Support Leeds Fed strikers + Leeds TUC Mayday

 Leeds Fed strike 
Monday-Wed 18-20 April, off Burley Road

Leeds Federated Housing staff are striking against threats to hike their workload and cut pay, up to £8000 a year in some cases!!  The strikers have already had two days out on the picketlines with many dropping by to show solidarity and donate food, drinks.  Now they are asking for support for the last three days, so if you can, drop by and spend some time on the line with the workers!

Picketlines start 7.30 AM monday-Wednesday and go all day.  43 Westfield Road behind Burley Road, 3 minute walk from Park Lane College/Josephs Well.

The strikers are asking for a big turnout on Wednesday for solidarity, with union and campaign banners, and lotsa noise!   Swinging by Monday would give them a boost too and get them off to a good start.

Messages of support can be sent to Leeds Unison Local Government at or phone 07746713034 for more info.

 Leeds Mayday - March for the Alternative 
Saturday 30 April
Assemble 11 on at Victoria Gardens
John McDonnell MP speaking

Leeds TUC has organised the annual Mayday march at a time when the working class and trade unionists face massive austerity, and David Cameron even wants to ban Mayday (and move the holiday to sunny October).  Recognising all this, and to keep up the momentum after the historic 26 March demo where half a million marched in London, the event has been billed as the March for the Alternative in Leeds.

Assemble from 11 Am onwards with your banners, whistles, placards and the rest, for the march to start at 12. After the march there will be speakers and live music in Victoria Gardens.

Leaflets and posters should be available for next week, so get in touch or print out the attachments.

There will be stalls for the next two Saturdays in the centre of town, Briggate pedestrianised zone from 12-2pm, come on down to help us get the word out about Mayday and the Fed strike, and bring any campaign literature to put on the table.

 Leeds Housing Campaign meeting 
Thursday 21 April, 5.30 pm
Westminster Building, New York St

Leeds Tenants Federation is holding a meeting to discuss setting up a local campaign against cuts to housing and benefits. Come along to help launch another crucial front in the war against the cuts. 1 minute from bottom of Headrow and coach station.

 Report from Anti-cuts Convention & statement 
Thanks to everyone who came along to the Anti-Cuts Convention on Saturday and all those organisations that co-sponsored it and helped make it happen. It was a very successful events with over 100 people registering and some excellent discussions taking place. It was a great step towards a broader, united anti-cuts movement in Leeds that can take action to defend our jobs, homes and services.
At the convention we agreed a founding statement for Leeds Against the Cuts and some action points that came out of the workshops and from individuals. Some of the action points are already being implemented around campaigning against NHS privatisation, the Localism Bill and academies. A number of local anti-cuts groups are being established and details of their meetings as well as ones around housing, the NHS etc will be circulated soon.
Leeds Against the Cuts will be meeting fortnightly and, as was agreed at the Convention, it would be great to have people from all the diffferent campaigns, unions and communities attend them. There is one this Thursday where we will be discussing how the Convention went and future activity, including the May Demonstration on 30th April.

The closing plenary received the reports of the various sessions, and discussed the following action points arising from them:
Education cuts
  • Work to create a Leeds anti-academies campaign
  • Try to draw more school students into the anti-cuts movement
Council cuts
  • Build solidarity with the strikes on 30th June
  • Focus on drawing private sector workers the anti-cuts movement
NHS cuts
  • To create a facebook page about resistance to NHS cuts
  • Write to the Local Medical Committee about the white paper and lobby them
  • Encourage people to write to their GPs about the consortia
Housing & Localism Bill
  • Hold a local anti-cuts demonstration on the last Saturday in May
  • Take steps to try and stop the council implementing the cuts, for example naming and shaming councillors and MPs who vote for cuts
  • Set up a local branch of the Housing Emergency Campaign, with a launch meeting on Thurs 21st April 5:30pm, Westminster Buildings, 31 New York Street (near CAB)
The Right to Protest
  • Produce a LAC leaflet on the right to protest and organise legal observers for protests
National Anti-Cuts Movement
  • We will publish a program of activity on the LAC website
General action points that were proposed in the final plenary
  • To arrange for Leeds Against the Cuts meetings to be held in a larger and more accessible venue
  • To send a delegation to the Coalition of Resistance 9th July resolution-based conference and submit a motion to unite the various national anti-cuts campaigns
  • Develop the Leeds Against Cuts website and update it more often
  • Hold regular Leeds Against Cuts stalls in the city centre on Saturdays
  • Create a portal that can link to all the Leeds anti-cuts websites
Amendments to the Leeds Against the Cuts statement were discussed, and the statement was passed: Final statement as agreed (pdf).
The convention was supported by: Leeds Trade Union Council, Leeds Education Assembly, Coalition of Resistance, Right to Work, Leeds Met Against Cuts, Leeds Uni Against Cuts, Northern Schools and Colleges Against Cuts and other organisations.
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